We train people in digital marketing

We are digital marketing experts who want to help you leverage your brand for growth.

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Our Offers

We are a digital marketing firm specializing in SEO and PPC campaigns. We train people from all backgrounds and levels in Digital Marketing.

BASIC (5000/-)
  • Traditional Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing
  • E-Commerce Management
  • SEO, SMO
  • Promotion
+ STANDARD (10,000/-)
  • website (Wordpress)
  • Content Strategy
  • AI tools
  • Email Marketing
  • Graphics (Canva)
  • Lead Generation
+ ADVANCE (15,000/-)
  • CRM
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • PhotoShop
  • Advertisement
  • Segmentation
  • Google Sense, Ad-Words, Console
  • SWOT
  • Strategic- Planning Process
  • Mix Marketing
  • 7-Ps of Marketing
Measure What Matters

We leverage our financial and business acumen to tackle your marketing problems using data. Measurable marketing lets you scale your business by quantifying the profitability of each tactic.

Digital Marketing Growth

Developing digital touch-points between your brand and customers at every step of the buying process. We use the latest technology, data and creative to build systems that drive consistent and predictable revenue growth.


Years of testing, tweaking, and reverse-engineering search engines have given us an advantage.


Identify Audience

We uncover the demographics and psychology of your customers, their behaviours, and their needs while also immersing ourselves in their customer journey. Through customer and market research we determine which audiences are most likely to buy your product, and target them.


Map User Journey

We generate a hypothesis of the buying journey based on research, the identified audiences, and current stakeholder knowledge to test, learn, and iterate. This results in a map of the buying process in its raw form.


Simplify Buying Journey

We take the buying process map then determine if each step is needed, information that can reduce friction to the next step, and how to incentivize the customer to take actions that get them closer to a purchase. We then overlay this map on the digital landscape.


Automate Through Technology

Once we have tested the simplified buying process we identify what steps can be automated through technology to generate scale. This can mean operational efficiencies, maximizing sales per customer, or increased frequency of repeat purchases while reducing costs to generate these outcomes.


Create and Launch Campaigns

Campaigns are about getting the highest-value attention and converting it into a pre-planned goal. We day trade attention every day – like a stock broker has a portfolio of stocks, we have a portfolio of attention. The price for attention prices vary by platform, demographics and psychographics while fluctuating at different times of the day, week, or season.


Find Blockages & Continuously Improve

We constantly A/B test all campaigns, websites, and sub-segments of audiences to find the most value per dollar. This can mean breaking out an audience in multiple parts to test them against each other, testing ways to reduce friction for the buying journey, and applying newly discovered techniques and technologies to ensure you remain a market leader.

You are in good company here.

The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

If you have a project to discuss leave an inquiry or contact us via email and phone. We will contact you within 24 hours during work days.